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Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:01 pm
de plajerik
Server-ul pe care a fost incidentul:CSGO ROMANIA | COMPETITIVE !VIP FREE !GLOVES !WS ! !KNIFE
Nickname-ul tau: ♱
Nickname-ul adminului reclamat:Ka1zer
Data si ora:17:57/29.11.2019
Motiv:kick in randuri repetate
Dovada: Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:20 pm
de Ka1zer
asa si eu ti-am spus sa schimbi tagu doarece era lung de o suta de metri pe limba araba,s1lver sau hunter sau altcineva poate sa verifice in consola,serverul este rom-english si nici unu poate sti ce inseamna sau ce injuraturi poate fi si era si confuzional,nice try
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:45 pm
de forest2k
ka1zer scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:20 pm
asa si eu ti-am spus sa schimbi tagu doarece era lung de o suta de metri pe limba araba,s1lver sau hunter sau altcineva poate sa verifice in consola,serverul este rom-english si nici unu poate sti ce inseamna sau ce injuraturi poate fi si era si confuzional,nice try
Sa ii spui asta si la monster atunci sa nu mai vorbeasca in rusa ! Mersi anticipat.
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:56 pm
de Ka1zer
forest2k scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:45 pm
ka1zer scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:20 pm
asa si eu ti-am spus sa schimbi tagu doarece era lung de o suta de metri pe limba araba,s1lver sau hunter sau altcineva poate sa verifice in consola,serverul este rom-english si nici unu poate sti ce inseamna sau ce injuraturi poate fi si era si confuzional,nice try
Sa ii spui asta si la monster atunci sa nu mai vorbeasca in rusa ! Mersi anticipat.
I-am spus și de multe ori,dar n-ui asta problema mai mare, când îți pui tagul și în tab nici se vede numele din cauză că este lung nu cred că-i bine
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:58 pm
de forest2k
ka1zer scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:56 pm
forest2k scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:45 pm
ka1zer scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 6:20 pm
asa si eu ti-am spus sa schimbi tagu doarece era lung de o suta de metri pe limba araba,s1lver sau hunter sau altcineva poate sa verifice in consola,serverul este rom-english si nici unu poate sti ce inseamna sau ce injuraturi poate fi si era si confuzional,nice try
Sa ii spui asta si la monster atunci sa nu mai vorbeasca in rusa ! Mersi anticipat.
I-am spus și de multe ori,dar n-ui asta problema mai mare, când îți pui tagul și în tab nici se vede numele din cauză că este lung nu cred că-i bine
Stiu te inteleg.
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:50 pm
de Just ^Дрыщ'
If the clan tag is very long you can ask the player to remove or change it, but not kick him because the context is arabian. There are not many arabian players to understand what is written there, so I don't think it WILL ofend anyone, even if there is something insulting, but usually nobody is part of such groups.
Gentlemen, speaking of OTHER languages other than Romanian is not forbidden and it will be considered an act of racism in case someone mutes those players. There are loud and quiet speakers in all the languages, and if the players are too loud they should be warned and then muted, despite the language that was spoken, NOT because they talk in arabian, russian, turkish and so on.
If you don't like it forest, open TAB Score panel, and mute them from there, or lower their microphone to 0.1, and let the other admins tak care of them in case they get loud.
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:55 pm
de Ka1zer
Just ^Дрыщ' scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:50 pm
If the clan tag is very long you can ask the player to remove or change it, but not kick him because the context is arabian. There are not many arabian players to understand what is written there, so
I don't think it WILL ofend anyone, even if there is something insulting, but usually nobody is part of such groups.
Gentlemen, speaking of
OTHER languages other than
Romanian is not forbidden and it will be considered an act of racism in case someone mutes those players. There are loud and quiet speakers in all the languages, and if the players are too loud they should be warned and then muted, despite the language that was spoken,
NOT because they talk in arabian, russian, turkish and so on.
If you don't like it forest, open TAB Score panel, and mute them from there, or lower their microphone to 0.1, and let the other admins tak care of them in case they get loud.
JUST i asked him to change his name he couldn't care,i dont care if its arabian or not but was far too long,what if he dont want?....then kick
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:57 pm
de Ka1zer
ka1zer scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:55 pm
Just ^Дрыщ' scrie: ↑Mar Oct 29, 2019 7:50 pm
If the clan tag is very long you can ask the player to remove or change it, but not kick him because the context is arabian. There are not many arabian players to understand what is written there, so
I don't think it WILL ofend anyone, even if there is something insulting, but usually nobody is part of such groups.
Gentlemen, speaking of
OTHER languages other than
Romanian is not forbidden and it will be considered an act of racism in case someone mutes those players. There are loud and quiet speakers in all the languages, and if the players are too loud they should be warned and then muted, despite the language that was spoken,
NOT because they talk in arabian, russian, turkish and so on.
If you don't like it forest, open TAB Score panel, and mute them from there, or lower their microphone to 0.1, and let the other admins tak care of them in case they get loud.
JUST i asked him to change his tag (not name) he couldn't care,i dont care if its arabian or not but was far too long,what if he dont want?....then kick
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 9:17 pm
de Ka1zer
Re: Reclamatie - Ka1zer
Scris: Mar Oct 29, 2019 9:23 pm
de plajerik
deci pe acest sv nu esti liber sa folosesti ce tag vrei chiar daca nu ofenseaza pe nimeni, bine de stiut