Cerere Helper / Admin - lemann
Scris: Mie Noi 13, 2019 3:03 pm
Nickname: lemann
Nume server/ip: CSGO ROMANIA
Varsta: 16
Ore jucate pe server (minim 30):3507 mins
Ore jucate pe steam:465
Cont free sau cumpărat (PRIME):PRIME
Ai citit Regulamentul?(Raspuns din regulament):yes
Puncte obținute pe forum (minim 200):lemann 6090 56:57:35
Link catre profilul tau de steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/le
Experinta anterioara cu detinerea adminului (1-10):9/10
Detalii:Hi, my name is Paul, I am from Georgia, but I live and study in Finland
I play a lot on your server and meet with players such as (toxic, cheaters, racists, etc.)
I go to the assistant post to help the server and the players
Ban cheaters mute bad games and toxic as well as follow the chat
I used to moderate large projects, and I have experience
I promise to be a good helper and serve for the server and players
Nume server/ip: CSGO ROMANIA
Varsta: 16
Ore jucate pe server (minim 30):3507 mins
Ore jucate pe steam:465
Cont free sau cumpărat (PRIME):PRIME
Ai citit Regulamentul?(Raspuns din regulament):yes
Puncte obținute pe forum (minim 200):lemann 6090 56:57:35
Link catre profilul tau de steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/le
Experinta anterioara cu detinerea adminului (1-10):9/10
Detalii:Hi, my name is Paul, I am from Georgia, but I live and study in Finland
I play a lot on your server and meet with players such as (toxic, cheaters, racists, etc.)
I go to the assistant post to help the server and the players
Ban cheaters mute bad games and toxic as well as follow the chat
I used to moderate large projects, and I have experience
I promise to be a good helper and serve for the server and players